We (Central), has had our share of success at the state meet. Sometimes the best accomplishments are done by teams that don't necessarily win a team title, sometimes it was a greater challenge for a team to earn that 3rd or 5th place trophy. They have reached past what many thought was possible. We have also had our share of heartbreak, teams losing a state title by one point, teams not placing in the top 5 when that was a goal. Sometimes those loses make you wonder why you trained so hard, sacrificed your free time to train, ate correctly, or go to bed early. And the answer is that you want to compete, you want to be part of a team, that moves past just being a team but forms its own special family. And with that family you that you want to see how good that team can be. Many people are willing to say they can do something, but few are willing to actually put the effort in and try. Failing is scary, but not trying, not seeing what you are capable of should be a greater fear.
Many people will not join because they are scared of failing, and yes falling short of your goals can be disappointing, But not trying, not seeing what you are capable of, not challenging yourself should be a greater fear. Our team has over come that fear, has set high goals, and expects a lot of themselves and they depend on their teammates to do their best.
That TEAM goal, lining up with them and seeing if they can accomplish a goal that they set together, trained for together, and sacrificed in a race over a simple grass course, that is why we do it, that is our challenge and this coming Saturday Central will line up and compete together.