Current teammates Karly Ackley (19:51) and Alexis Roehl (20:32) ran the first half of the 5k together with Karly pulling away for the overall woman's win. Alexis, Rachel Torrey (21:14), and Rachel Cox (21:27) took the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th respectively in the 18 under age group.
Other Central Runners have been competing in Road Races around the Globe recently. Leif Larsen also ran in a 4th of July race in Oregon. Leif ran a 16:38 in the 5K to finish 2nd overall in the men's division. In Germany David Hettich and Grace Roehl, who are on a Germany Exchange Program, ran in a local 7K race. Both had great races!! David placed 24th overall out of 4000 runners, and 1st in the under 18 age division. Grace finished 10th overall out of 1000 plus woman, and 2nd overall in the under 18 age division. It's great to see our teammates are not only training while traveling but also racing and representing our team so well!!!