The first Saturday with a group of new runners is always fun. The look of astonishment of the newbies as I bring out the 5 boxes of doughnuts out for Saturday's practice. YES we go through 60 doughnuts now for a single Saturday practice during the season.
The older runners, who are running farther and will be the last to return, are scrambling to put aside their favorite doughnuts to devour upon the completion of their run. This ritual of the doughnut selection has made me learn to observe what doughnuts go the fastest and which ones are the last ones picked. Hugo's should give me an award or a frequent buyer discount for the amount of doughnuts we have bought over the last 20 years. Sometimes I get a Hugo's worker who cringes when I show up, knowing that they will have to fill those 5 boxes and allow me to select which doughnuts are the most popular with the current team.
Who would have thought that my desire for having a doughnut after a long run would turn into such popular thing. I have runners who come to Saturday practice JUST because they know they will get a doughnut after they do their 10 mile run. All for a 65 cent treat.