When Thursday came for the Fargo Shanley meet, I think most everyone was ready to race! We all had a very good week of practice and we were just excited. This was also our first meet to get out of school and it was fun to see the middle schooler's excitement as they ran from the school to the bus. When we got to the meet, I must say we were all pretty disappointed. As we walked the course, it was hard not to let a few negative thoughts pop into our heads as we walked over cement slab, after cement slab, after cement slab. So much so that some of our girls decided not to run in spikes. We could not believe it! But every time any of us would say a negative thing, we would do as coach said, and come back with 2 positives. Even if it was "Wow! My Calves are going to look good going up this hill!" -Emily Cox, or "The weather is actually lovely" -Maggie Powell ,it was still a positive! When race time came there were even more positives as I heard kids say, "That hill wasn't so bad" or "Wow! That course went by soo fast!". All those positives really did pay off because we had several PR's, 5 varsity girls placing in the top 20, 1 Junior Varsity top 20 placer (Maggie Powell), and 2 middle school top 20 placers (Lexi Spinetta, and Megan Peck)!!!
Also, special congrats to Karly Ackley for breaking her previous school record and to Lillian, Fatmata, and Brenna who all ran their first races of the season!!! Over all, we came home with many plaques, smiles and positives thoughts, so I am excited to see what we will do next!
Grace Roehl, Junior Captain
This past week has been breathtaking. Even though we've lost a few good runners I am confident that we have the potential to make top 5 at state. David Hettich especially has shown tremendous improvement over the summer and he sets a great example of how important hard work is. Our boys team also has a very bright future ahead of us. There is a lot potential in our younger boys. We do have to start showing up to practice especially on long run days. One of the highlights was Ryan Keogh's surprise birthday party. After practice on Friday most of the boys rushed over to his house to get there before he would. We played video games, pool, foosball, chess, and some team games. The best part was that there was enough food to feed an army. We've all been working very hard and I'm confident that we have the makings of a great team.
Leif Larsen, Junior Captain