Jordyn Thomas - Junior Captain
After an exciting week of anticipation, the team's hard work paid off on Saturday. The meet was a mixture of rain, mud, and fun. Everyone did good in there races despite the gruesome weather. I know a lot of people were really excited to have a meet against more EDC teams to see how we size up against them for our next meet and state. This is the first time we raced against most of those teams since Northwood and it was nice to see that both the boys and girls came out on top. On Friday we had a spaghetti feed at the Rohel's house. It was a good team bonding experience and we all got to loaded up on food before the meet. Thank you Rohel's for hosting the dinner for us.
The cross country season is ending very quickly and it makes me sad that for some runners this is the last week of practice with EDC this Saturday. Hopefully everyone makes the most of this week so we can have a great EDC race this Saturday!
Leif Larsen - Soph Captain