Right after the meet I had to rush over to Cushman to get to my soccer game. Along with doubling the meet and game my week had one other exciting moment in it. I was on my run on Wednesday evening and walking toward me was a man walking his dogs. Nothing out of the ordinary accept that as I walked past, one of his dogs jumped up on me. At first I didn't think anything of it so I kept running. After a few strides my shoulder started to hurt. I looked down and there was a bite mark on my shoulder. The dog had bit me! Not knowing what to do and only being ten minutes into my run I kept running. Other than the bite mark nothing came from this "vicious attack" so that's good. With only two weeks until EDC things are really starting to get exciting. I am looking forward to seeing how things pan out.
Camron Roehl, Senior Captain
The weather this week has been extremely bipolar but the girls really know how to make the most of everything! It's gone from sports bra and shorts weather to sweatshirts and long spandex weather within 2 days! From hot and sunny to windy and rainy. But that's good ol' North Dakota! The girls team doesn't seem to mind a
few puddles though. Or, if some did, they soon had to deal with it because a lot of the returning runners love our puddle runs! And what goes perfectly with a puddle run? A little High School Musical sing along of course! After the double win at EGF on Thursday, many of our girls were suffering a bit of a runner's high the next day still and had a lot of excess energy. So we used that energy to belt out some High School Musical songs. Some of the guys were even "lucky enough" to hear our melodious voices...
A bunch of us woke up nice and early on a Saturday morning to volunteer at the Wild Hog half
marathon. It was freezing and rainy but we made the most of it and cheered on the courageous runners who took on the 13.1 miles. After 3 hours of continuous cheering and freezing, everyone showed up at Coach's house for a long run afternoon, with doughnuts and sandwiches afterward!
Our next meet is on Saturday and it's on our new home course so I know we're all pumped to give it a second
go around and see if we can improve our times from the dual! I know I can't wait! Especially after seeing everyone have such great PR's with only one team to race against the last time we ran it. I can only imagine what it's going to be like this weekend!
Rachel Cox, Junior Captain